Friday, June 3, 2011

Blogs I would like to be graded

Blog 4, Blog 5, Blog 7, Blog 9

Course reflections

1- I don't think that it was a class assignment, but i really liked the debate in class.That's something we should do more often because (when it's well done) it teaches you how to construct a well founded argument based on proofs and not on your opinions (whether you are for or against what you are defending). It is even more efficient when you are defending something you don't believe in because you are literally forced to search for evidence instead of merely stating what you have believed to be true for years and years.

Blog Post #12

Grazian's article and The Hangover truly display what Grazian has called "the power of collective rituals of homosociallity to perform heterosexual competence and masculine identity" (333). What Grazian means by that is that men engage in ritual activities restricted to men only in order to first prove their masculinity, and second to (paradoxically) get involved with more women (in this context the involvement with women is not to seek sexual encounters but much more to "show off" a set of skills in front of other men that can eventually lead to sexual encounters. In Grazian's article that phenomenon is translated by men going to bars, nightclubs (or other places related to the urban night life) in order to girl hunt. In The Hangover, it is translated by men enjoying the urban nightlife through the mean of a bachelor party organized for one of their friends. The similarities between both medium doesn't end here. In his article Grazian talks about how men align themselves with similarly oriented accomplices to convince themselves of the importance and efficacity of their [acts] (322). We see that happening as well in The Hangover. They are all accomplices in a sense that first they cover up for Stu who clearly lies to his wife about the whole trip to Vegas, then Alan (Tracy's brother) try to make the others do the wolf pact in order to seal their fraternity and overall they help each other out throughout the whole movie. While doing that we can see that they are all convinced of the importance and efficacity of their acts (ie. It was important to do the bachelor party at Vegas, they are convinced that everything is to be fine and fantastic at Vegas).

The Hangover. Dir. Todd Phillips. Perf. Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zack Galifianakis. Warner Bros, 2009. DVD.

Grazian, David. “The Hunt Girl: Urban Nightlife and The Performance of Masculinity as Collective Activity”. Men’s Lives. 8th ed. Michael S. Kimmel and Michael Messner, Ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon, 2010. 320-337. Print.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Research Paper #2: Revised thesis & Annotated bibliography

Blog Post #11

Maira: So, that's what happened... I really think that's the good one!
Butovens: you know what maira, based on what you just told me, I think you should be careful not to jump on conclusion to fast...
M: what do you mean?? he was wonderful!! At first he was a little bit shy. So shy that that's a friend of him who came to me at first, and introduced me to him! Isn't that cute??
B: huum.... I don't want to break your dream but that's just a technique that guys use to approach a girl. And apparently it worked....
M: Don't be stupid Buto!! Well... I have to admit that prior to that I kind of laid my eyes on him, and he was drinking and laughing out loud with his friend while straing at me. But I guess when he comes to girls he must be intimidated. That's why he sent somedody else to talk to me first.
B: Maira..... Maira... Maira...... Pleeaase... don't fall for that, and don't make the mistake that many girls are making in that kind of circumstances! Do you want to hear what really happened from a man point of view?? Even though I wasn't there I can tell you all the processus. So open your ears... First I bet they met at one of the guy's place, getting ready to enjoy the night. They started drinking.... just to be in condition to hook up with a girl. They even bet who will score, even your so-called gentlemen...
M: shut up....!!
B: Did he...?? I mean did you...
M: Of course not!! Not the first night...
B: Yeah right... watch out, because I'm telling you that's what he was aiming for in the long run... And you gave him the confidence he needed to follow on on his "I'm going inside her panties" quest!!